Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Monday August 10th.
We arrived at Balck Butte last night and today decided to go explore a lava tube just north of Bend, Oregon.
We had a great time at the Newberry National Volcanic Monument.
Newberry Volcano is one of the largest shieldshaped volcanoes in the lower 48 states, coveringover 600 square miles. The Monument is located along a group of faults known as the Northwest Rift zone. A complex geological history indicates that the volcano has erupted hundreds of times during the last half-million years. The most recent eruption was 1,300 years ago suggesting that the volcano is still active. The caldera of Newberry is commonly referred
to as Newberry Crater but it is truly a caldera like Crater Lake. This feature formed after a series of collapses following big eruptive episodes and now contains two crystal clear lakes. The Monument also has many other fine examples of common volcanic features such as cinder cones, ash flows, lava tubes and flows, pumice and obsidian deposits.

We went into the lava tube it was 42 degress in there, the boys loved it!!!!

As the cave got smaller and the tunel got narrower Leon and I decided to wait untill the boys craweld to the end. the cave was so low we had to sit on rocks along with other parents.

We drove to the top of the butte to enjoy the vew!!!

Alexandro loves to be creative with his pictures, here he is "holding" his dad and Christopher.


Jacki's travels said...

I love the pic of Alexandro holding
Leon and Christopher. Good thing
you went prepared for the cold cave
with your hats and sweatshirts.

didi said...

Yes, Leon looked it up online and several people had osted notes about that, I was really glad we were warm. It sure was a fun activity.

Heidi said...

I can't believe that the cave was that cold! I also love Alexandro's pic.

Charmayne said...

I love it-looks like you guys are having an awesome time!!!